Kid And His World…

Submitted to March Challenge


His eyes seek his mother,

Tilting and rotating his head,

His eyes light up when he sees her,

His hands go up in the air to catch her,


Because that’s New World for him


His hands taking mud to his mouth,

As if he is having a chocolate or candy,

Taking that mud filled mouth to his mother,

Like he has won the war and earned the glory,


Because that’s New World for him


His first steps towards his mother,

His first step outside of the house,

Make him believe in himself and,

Joy on his face is unmatchable,


Because that’s New World for him


First animal seen on the streets,

And the leap towards him to catch it,

Not being aware of the consequences,

But still the mighty heart to do it,


Because that’s New World for him


Resting in his mother’s arms,

He stalks everyone passing by,

With very curious and staring eyes,

As if he knows them or wants to know,


Because that’s New World for him

12 thoughts on “Kid And His World…

    • Thank you Mike. Yes.. there are so many more world’s in one’s life.. but when it comes to *New World* a new born baby or a small kindergarten going kid fits the description 🙂 So chose that 🙂


  1. cynthia says:

    T really liked this. Well put. I love the innocence of potential each child owns. It is interesting, though that as I enjoy each child’s flush of natural self, it does sadden me to watch it dissipate in a way, when they learn new things and grow in knowledge. I like that flush of excitement they have when first entering school. But we know that they (like most of humanity) will always be innocent or fresh and curious about the world and all that is within, at most points of their lives.

    Now if every parent knew of the cognitive and behavioural aspects of knowledge, our children would be much better off, yes?

    Great post bro . Can you tell I enjoy this topic? 😀


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