Satisfaction… #5Lines

A king gave food to the guest,

So did a poor family too, more happily,

The guest was satisfied more with the poor,

A king has surplus, so giving is no big deal,

But being poor and still sharing, remarkable


Prompted at: May Challenge Prompts [Day 13: Satisfaction] and May International Month for 5Lines poem 

Live Like Water Flow…

Don’t be befuddled by obstacles,

For they befriend your enemies,

Live like water flow, finding way,

Through the rocks and crevices


Don’t keep the grudges for long,

For they contaminate your soul,

Live like water flow, moving ahead,

While leaving behind the foul


Don’t refrain yourself from committing,

For it requires forgetting, falling free,

Live like a water flow, forgetting self,

Or you will end up being a dead sea.


Prompted at: May Challenge Prompts – [Day 12 – Flush/Water Flow]

Learn From Mistakes…

Nature forbade human to go against it,

But human didn’t pay any heed,

Nature brandished with calamities like Tsunami,

Human still somehow manage to make same mistakes.


Submitted to: 3WW 

Today’s 3 words: Brandish, Forbid, Manage

Things Remain Unsaid… #5Lines #Gogyohka

She wants to say something,

I too want to say something,

She waits for me to start,

And I say “Ladies First”,

Nothing really is said in the end.

* * * * *

Don’t keep the things unsaid, for they may mean something to someone. The initial dilemma to say those things may be a barrier but don’t let that thing to be a show stopper.


माँ तू होती तो… Mother, Had you been here…

नींद बहोत आती है पढते पढते,
माँ तू होती तो कह देते, एक कप चाय बना दे,
थक गया हू मेस की रोटी खा खा के,
माँ तू होती तो कह देते, पराठे बना दे,
वही कोशीश खुश रहने की,
माँ तू पास होती तो मुस्कुरा लेते,
बहोत दूर निकल आए हम घर से,
माँ तेरे सपनोंकी परवाह ना होती, तो कब का घर चले आते,
तरसते है तेरे प्यार के सागर को,
ममता के आँचल को पाने के लिए,
यहा कोई दया की भीख भी नही मिलती,
जी रहे है तन से हार कर, मन को मार कर,
घर से दूर, अपनोंसे अलग, इस मतलबी संसार में,
फिर भी कर रहे है अपने आप से लड़ाई,
अकेले अकेले,
सिर्फ़ तेरे लिए माँ.

I received this poem from a friend of mine via SMS, it’s so touching that I couldn’t stop posting it here 🙂 Continue reading