April – Fool, Exams and Apocalypse…


April reminds me of “April Fool“. It wasn’t just a day, but people used to make fool of others for the entire month of April. Besides being April Fool’s month, it is used to be a month of examinations in school, even that is April Fool in a sense. You would anticipate a set of questions to come in the question paper and a complete different set of questions would stare at you from down under, as if saying April Fool.

April also reminds me of a “hoax” similar to 21 December 2012. I don’t quite remember the date, but I was in hostel, away from home, just for the preparation of 10th. One fine day, everyone started saying that one XYZ day there is going to be a flood which will submerge the whole world.

One April’s day, the

World threatened to end,

We were just fourteen,

with all the life to spend.


Staying far away from,

parents and home,

we dreaded the water,

covering the dome.


We wanted to be ready,

to face the end of the World,

be with parents,

in mother’s lap, and curled.


But that was not to be,

we were left with pals,

holding each other’s hands,

waiting, when the Earth stalls.


But it turned out to be,

yet another hoax,

the World chose to continue,

the cat was not out of the box.

* * *

The year was 1999. It sent chills down our spine when we heard of this said apocalypse. We bunked classes, lunches and everything. But are glad that it was just another hoax. It was the biggest “April Fool” anybody would have pulled on such a huge mass 😛


Written for Month of the Year Writing Challenge – Season 3

Flash Forward – A new series on ABC…

While scanning through a torrent site in search of some good TV serials I came across new series named “Flash Forward“. Actually after finishing “Friends” and “Prison Break” long back I was thinking of watching some other series. But was not having time so could not see them. That’s the reason I was searching for some new series on air and came across this series through btjunkie.org.

Now coming back to this series, the series starts with one of the lead actor trying to come out of his car with some yanking and blinking noise in the background. The series is all about people blacking out at exactly the same time world wide, adjusting the local time zones. The black out spanned for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. Initially the black out looked chaotic and hazy but then after some investigation and experience sharing, FBI agents come to know that people have fore-visioned 29th April 2010 that is 6 months in advance.

Flash Forward
Flash Forward

They then set up a website to compile the experiences and visions worldwide, compile various videos of webcams worldwide and come to know that there are at least two people who weren’t blacked out. The plot (at least for season 01) runs around three FBI agents, their respective wives and friends and two unknown identities who weren’t under the spell of black out.

The series is really going to flourish in coming episodes and is really handling a new and nice subject for TV series. FlashForward is a science-fiction television series currently airing on ABC. It is based on the 1999 novel “Flashforward” by Canadian science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer. It began airing on September 24, 2009.

I am so looking forward to see more episodes of this series.